Solwomen is an organization that promotes renewable and decentralized electrification. We believe that it is the most cost-effective, efficient and long-term solution for universal energy access. Everyone can have access to renewable energy without depleting any natural resources while conserving our planet.

We collaborate with like-minded partners to fight for specific financial and policy changes that will promote the adoption of renewable energy.

At Solwomen, we are doing everything we can to mobilize the entire industrial sector—manufacturers, distributors, and consumers—to abandon fossil-fuel-centered means of energy production and instead embrace renewable energy.

Our vision is to promote renewable, decentralized energy and climate-resilient products and services. The truth is that these allow the global community to benefit from a wide range of profitable uses.

We want to inspire the world to aspire for a future based on decentralized renewables. In such a world, everyone can benefit from the opportunities that will be created. There will be an enhanced quality of life that will come as a result of having access to reliable, affordable, and clean energy.



Our goal is to organize a network of partners from across the energy access ecosystem who will fight for renewable energy. Some of the players that we are looking to have on our team include civil society, social entrepreneurs, utilities, policymakers, and local changemakers.

We want to have many partners in developing countries, to accelerate the adoption of localized renewable energy. 

Solwomen in collaboration with our partners raises awareness, engages markets, and catalyzes activism to help revolutionize the way energy is generated and consumed.

Sure, we appreciate the role of energy in our global economy. However, we want the world to switch to the energy that does not harm our planet either directly or indirectly.